Home sweet home after the most special and cherished two weeks of my life. Between the wedding and the honeymoon, I have enough happiness to fill my heart for years. I promised you all a recap of our Italian adventures upon my return, and I do not plan on disappointing; however, it will take me several posts to encapsulate all the wonder. For now, I'll jot down a few of my favorite restaurants and memories, but I'll honor each with an individual post throughout the next few weeks. I'm also hoping to recreate a few of my favorite dishes along the way, so stay tuned for that -- it will be an adventure in and of itself.
Amalfi Coast Favorites | {Il San Pietro} {La Tagliata} {Next 2} {San Francesco Winery} {Le Sirene Beach Day}
Rome Favorites | {Trattoria Monti} {Dar Poeta} {Sabatini's}
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